The day begins to break, and night is fled,
Whose pitchy mantle over-veil’d the earth.
[William Shakespeare]
Please, let us all thank
ENRICA, who was willing to get up earlier than everybody else to take a picture of this beautiful dawn!
Enrica - Asiago, Vicenza, Italy - Dawn |
As a matter of fact,
SERGIO was up early as well.
Sergio - Over Pisa, Italy - 7.00 am |
Sergio - Over Pisa, Italy - 7.00 am |
Sergio - Over Pisa, Italy - 7.00 am |
The sky was brightly coloured over
Marisa - Roverbella, Mantua, Italy - 7.52 am |
And heavy clouded over
GAIA instead.
Gaia - Trieste, Italy - 11.15 am |
We had a bright day in Berlin, as you can see.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 12.44 pm |
AMALIA's pictures always look as a poem would, were it an image.
Amalia - Ravadese, Parma, Italy - 3.30 pm |
GABRIELLA South-East lost count of the white little clouds in the sky, which looked like a flock of sheep.
Gabriella - Lecce, Italy - 4.00 pm |
Bare trees, a clear sky, and a sickle moon.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 4.14 pm |
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 4.16 pm |
The sun was hiding under the sea, and
GABRIELLA North-West was there to see it happen.
Gabriella - Sanremo, Imperia, Italy - 4.30 pm |
EMANUELA shows us her hometown with a dark sky and Christmas lights.
Emanuela - Cervia, Ravenna, Italy - 4.42 pm |
Emanuela - Cervia, Ravenna, Italy - 4.55 pm |
Emanuela - Cervia, Ravenna, Italy - 4.58 pm |
Emanuela - Cervia, Ravenna, Italy - 4.59 pm |
Che belle luci natalizie che ci sono a Cervia, specialmente quelle sulla torre *_*
RispondiEliminaSiiigh le mie mail non arrivano T.T
RispondiEliminaComunque quella delle quattro e sedici a Berlino mi piace tantissimo! Pure le luminarie di Manu