So, apparently almost all skies in Europe were jealous of the superb greyness displayed by the Berlin sky yesterday, and desperately tried to compete.
Irene watched disconsolately out of the window and noticed that the sun hadn't even bothered to rise.
Irene - Viareggio, Lucca, Italy - 6.30 am |
Marisa managed to find a light in the fog.
Marisa - Roverbella, Mantua, Italy - 6.48 am |
The sky in Rome couldn't care less about the "greyness competition", and lucky
Patrizia simply stood in front of the window and actually saw the sunrise!
Patrizia - Rome, Italy - 7.08 am |
A foggy morning also for
Emanuela, who was rather poetical about that. She called it a "mystical morning".
Emanuela - Cervia, Ravenna, Italy - 8.30 am |
Celenia wasn't feeling so well-disposed towards
Empoli's grey sky. She called it "A Very Sad Grey Sky", her words.
Celenia - Empoli, Florence, Italy - 9.04 am |
I didn't even bother lifting my eyes to the sky until 10.00.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 10.00 am |
Gaia took a picture in one rare cloudless spell over Trieste.
Gaia - Trieste, Italy - 11.45 |
Irene went back out onto the balcony soon after midday, to make sure everything was as she had left it. It was. Inside her head the
Rush started singing:
Plus ça change,
Plus c'est la même chose
Irene - Viareggio, Lucca - 12.20 pm |
I looked up again later, to check whether there had been any changes, but there hadn't. Apparently, Berlin sky is very proud of its greyness and doesn't give up easily.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 2.00 pm |
Celenia, too, tried spotting a ray of light, with no success.
Celenia - Empoli, Florence, Italy - 2.54 pm |
Since I had time before my next errand, here's another picture of His Majesty, The Grey Berlin Sky.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 3.00 pm |
I also tried to take it by surprise, to no avail.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 3.30 pm |
The fog was holding on at
Cesenatico, says
Emanuela - Cesenatico, Forlì-Cesena, Italy - 4.15 pm |
Probably unaware of the hot competition underway,
Gabriella's sky started painting itself pink.
Gabriella - Lecce, Italy - 4.36 pm |
And, as quiet as it had began, the day in Rome ended, in front of
Patrizia's eyes.
Patrizia - Rome, Italy - 5.30 pm |
Know what I think? Grey, blue, yellow, pink, purple, scarlet, black... the sky is always beautiful!
P.S. There's been a late addition to
Day Nine: a picture from
Elena, in case you want to check!
Accipicchia, un po' mi consola vedere che il tempo era uggioso praticamente ovunque..!
EliminaAnche a Lecce c'era la nebbia ieri sera. Ma poi, era S. Martino, no?
RispondiElimina"La nebbia agli irti colli
Piovigginando sale..."
:D :D :D
Questo San Martino ci scombussola il cielo!
Eliminada noi prosegue invece l'estate di San Martino... con tutto il sole che c'è da me mi par quasi strano tutto il grigio che c'è in giro.
RispondiEliminaMi sento alta qui... sopra alla nebbia ;)
E mi sa che è proprio così!!