Yes, it's Monday, but don't be sad. There's something good here, that we can only have today. Wonder what that is? It's Monday skies, of course!
Marisa was up in time to take such a delicate picture, that reminded me of this quote:
"The sky is where time and magic become one."
[Khalid Masood]
Marisa - Roverbella, Mantua, Italy - 6.30 am |
After my son left for school, I ventured a look out the window: it was dark, and cloudy, and there was a drizzle.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 7.30 am |
Celenia had a very busy day ahead, but didn't forget to look at the sky!
Celenia - Empoli, Florence, Italy - 8.37 am |
Fake-Spring is still on somewhere, as
Aldo points out.
Aldo - Lambrugo, Como, Italy - 9.00 am |
I had to go out at about 10.00. It wasn't raining, but it was grey and windy. I nonetheless decided to challenge the gods and get on my bike.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 10.00 am |
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 10.00 am |
How did it go? Well, let's say I should buy some rain pants, but a drift boat wasn't necessary. That was how the sky looked, when I reached my destination:
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 10.20 am |
After a good talk with my personal trainer at the gym (who let me know that my bones have just the perfect weight, if you must know), I stepped out in the wind.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 12.00 pm |
Monica, too, noticed that the sky in Berlin was very animated, today.
Monica - Berlin, Germany - 12.36 pm |
Monica - Berlin, Germany - 12.38 pm |
Irene was busy reflecting on her life, and just happened to notice that the cloudy sky seen from her balcony offered a glimpse of light. 'It must be a sign!' she thought to herself, and took a picture to eternalize the moment.
Irene - Viareggio, Lucca, Italy - 3.50 pm |
I realized that the tube of toothpaste was empty, so I challenged the gods once more and went to the supermarket.
Fortuna favet fortibus, as they say. That is: fortune favours the bold. I was bold and I was fortunate.
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 4.00 pm |
Benedetta saw the sky turn pink and red in
Benedetta - Graz, Austria - 4.40 pm |
Elena just sent in this picture, to show that her sky, too, was pinkish!
Elena - Solaro, Milan, Italy - 5.10 pm |
The sky turned pink for
Chiara, too:
Chiara - Mezzano Superiore, Parma, Italy - 5.15 pm |
And who better than
Marisa could close this Monday of skies?
Marisa - Roverbella, Mantua, Italy - 7.20 pm |
See you all tomorrow for a great Day Ten!
"Well, let's say I should buy some rain pants, but a drift boat wasn't necessary." è la mia parte preferita XD
RispondiEliminaE' bello, arrivati a sera, leggere qua... mi fa pensare che alla fine la giornata non sia stata del tutto sprecata ^^
Grazie per il lavorone e per come rendi meglio le brevi cose che ti scrivo quando mando le foto :D
Cerco di essere onesta :D
EliminaA me piace fare un po' il riepilogo della giornata di tante persone, mi fa sentire in compagnia :)
Anche a me guardare questo blog aiuta a riconciliarmi con la giornata... intrecciando il pensiero e gli sguardi con le giornate degli altri
RispondiEliminaSono d'accordo, è una delle cose che mi pacciono di più: sentirmi "insieme" a tutte le persone che mi hanno mandato la foto :)