There's a trick to Flying.
Love the sky.
[Anne Fortier]
It's a flock, by
Chiara - Berlin, Germany - 8.01 am |
It's just beautiful, and there's a flamingo, by
Emanuela - Marina Romea, Ravenna, Italy - 10.30 am |
Emanuela - Marina Romea, Ravenna, Italy - 10.30 am |
Emanuela - Marina Romea, Ravenna, Italy - 10.30 am |
I'm cycling and that's the view, by
Maurizio - Isola Gallinara, Alassio, Savona, Italy - 10.30 am |
It's a beautiful day, and the clouds are magical, by
Gabriella - Sanremo, Imperia, Italy - 10.45 am |
I'm going to work today, by
Gaia - Trieste, Italy - 1.30 pm |
My boyfriend says I take too many pictures, by
ILARIA (it's not true, there can never be too many pictures!)
Ilaria - Pisa, Italy - 2.06 pm |
It's freezing, but sunny, by
Enrica - Asiago, Vicenza, Italy - 3.35 pm |
Look who's there?, by
Benedetta - Trieste, Italy - 4.00 pm |
And I'm not going to a rock concert tonight, by
Gaia - Trieste, Italy - 4.00 pm |
I was at a funeral earlier, and now there's this wonderful sunset, by
Gabriella - S.Simone Sannicola, Lecce, Italy - 4.17 pm |
Gabriella - S.Simone Sannicola, Lecce, Italy - 4.17 pm |
A sketched sunset, by
Marisa - Bike path between Mantua and Peschiera, Italy - 4.42 pm |
A line between the lines, by
Marisa - Bike path between Mantua and Peschiera, Italy - 4.53 pm |
The sky around here, at 5.00 pm, looks like that, by
Gabriella - Sanremo, Imperia, Italy - 5.00 pm |
Gabriella - Sanremo, Imperia, Italy - 5.00 pm |
And we're almost done with our first month of sky! Our collection is already gorgeous, and we've only just begun! Keep up!
P.S. A third
GABRIELLA just sent me this shot, which is epically beautiful in my opinion. Daytime, I'd say.
Gabriella - Ostana, Cuneo, Italy - Daytime |
oddio, quelle di Marisa *.*
RispondiEliminasono tutte bellissime!
Comunque mi godo di più le foto quando sono accompagnate da una tua frase, sai? ^^
Terrò presente, è che a volte sono tante e io sono stanca :P
EliminaAnche io adoro quelle commentate =)
RispondiEliminatrovo che il giorno 29 sia fantastico! Ci sono foto davvero bellissime, mi piacerebbe saper usare la macchina fotografica di mio marito per poterne mandare di più "vere" :)
RispondiEliminacomplimenti, è un progetto che ha preso sempre più forma e forza!
Brava a Chiara per il progetto, senza la tua idea non esisterebbe!!!
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